November 13th, 2018 – Meeting Minutes

Attending meeting:

  • Vanessa and Brandon Millichamp
  • Cody Faulds
  • Natasha Chapman
  • Georgia Blum
  • Nena Zeck
  • Pat Ryan
  • Isabelle Cheung
  • Lucas Neter
  • Dawn Soul
  • Toby and Jennifer Kliem

Start time: 7:10 pm

Met and learned about the members at the meeting.

Discussed Bruce concerns and voted on live feed for permanent ban. The vote was unanimous (vote 11 yeses for life time ban) Bruce Carr and Arachnophiliacs.

Discussed possibly banning savs and tegus for sale at our shows as well as other big monitors as well. Nothing decided on that yet still needs to be discussed later on.

Discussed the show break down numbers and funds. Don’t have any of that yet need to get numbers from cody. (square 630, attendees 3792) still need more info from Cody so waiting on that.

Discussed having fish and wildlife at the show, either to donate a table to them or not. Voted on it and passed unanimous (vote 11)

Discussed with the lady that is doing the looking into possibly legalising certain bugs to not be banned anymore. Like the dubia roches, blue death feigning beetle, Florida ivy millipede. Voted for a donation to the cause vote was unanimous 11 to go fund me to help legalise bugs.

Talked about the AGM voting in spots for May meeting.

Switched over the volunteer coordinator position to Natasha Chapman from Iz. They’re working one on one to get it all switched over fully for the AGM.

Talked about a possible trip to Edmonton museum trip as an event for members, discussed possible dates. Discussing more at next meeting.
Bus rental/ van rental possibilities as well as meeting place to start.

Discussed venue dates for upcoming show waiting for options to hear back from other groups on their shows. Date still to be determined.

As well as talked about other meeting dates:
January 21st
March 18th
April 15th
May 21st
Jan 21,March 18, April 15 meetings at Deerfoot Heritage Meadows
May 21 st at Shaganappi location.

End time: 8:34 pm with show and tell snake.