Time start: 7:06 pm
Treasurer’s report: $24,786.18
Reviewed Minutes from Oct /Nov
AGM: May 22, 2018
Christmas Party
- Call deer foot in and inquire about pool for kids , games , potluck
- Call other venue places for games night
Spring Show
- Background stuff being sorted
- Tables go on sale Jan
- Volunteer coordinator (tabled to next meeting )
- Hot spot for wifi (tabled to next meeting )
- Proper handling guidelines (must have a board member present in the kids’ corner at all
times) - Cycling through adults and animals in kids corner more frequent
- Signs of facts on different animals through the show and kids room (specially the common
species and life expectancies)
Discussion on memberships with those who were live
Review of volunteer ages and door ages
- Min 10 years old to volunteer. need adult to volunteer with them to age of 14 of age
- Contact info for parents and guardians till 16 yrs of age
Next meeting blood python
Update Stephanie and Liam’s membership
Contact the humane society for their needs and donation accepted (tabled till next meeting)
Vendor meal paid by TARAS (tabled to next meeting)
Show sponsor questions.
Pop and water for volunteers: 2 flats of water 1 pop Costco
Shawnessy Petland needs to be booked for Feb. 20th
Family day at Eau Claire Market Feb.