View Full Version : Amphibians for sale

  1. FS: Pleurodeles waltl
  2. FS: Leucistic Axolotl
  3. Tomato Frog and 10 gallon tank, with mesh lid. $50.00
  4. Selling Pastel Pacman Frog, and 12x12x12 Extro-terra terrarium for $50.00.
  5. WTS Dart frogs
  6. Pair of Axolotl FS/Trade
  7. gourgous frogs for sale
  8. Tiger Salamanders
  9. 2 Samuri-BLUE--Pacman Frogs for sale $50.00 each Both very healthy.
  10. Dart Frogs
  11. Frogs+food sale
  12. Newts For Sale
  13. ###Super Alberta deal!!!!!!
  14. Dusky salamanders available
  15. Auratus Dart frogs for sale Calgary
  16. Red eyed tree frogs for sale
  17. 2 red eyed tree frogs
  18. Pac Man Frog for Sale
  19. Tree Frogs with complete exo-terra terrarium
  20. Kassina Maculata for sale
  21. Newts for sale
  22. More Newts for sale
  23. Dendrobates auratus "Blue" Froglets
  24. Dendrobates tinctorius (Azureus, Cobalt, Alanis)
  25. Theloderma corticale, Vietnamese mossy frog x3 males
  26. D. Auratus - El Cope Froglets for sale
  27. Auratus El Cope Froglets for Sale
  28. Axolotl Breeding Group For Sale
  29. Leucomelas
  30. Available frogs and newts
  31. Pipa parva
  32. Dendrobates truncatus "Nilo"
  33. Ranitomeya ventrimaculata "Blackwater"
  34. D. Leucomelas
  35. Epipedobates anthonyi "Santa Isabel"
  36. Dart Frogs and Vivariums for sale
  37. Froggie Froggie Froggies For Sale
  38. Borja Ridge Dart Frogs For sale
  39. Oophaga pumilio "man creek"
  40. Ranitomeya variabilis "Borja ridge"
  41. Darts for sale
  42. ECTOTHERMIC Availability for the CRE (Calgary Reptile Expo) May 4th & 5th