- MistKing and Western Gecko
- Virox AHP (accelerated hydrogen peroxide)
- PVC Racks and Iris Bins for Sale
- 12"x12''x12'' Exo-terra tank & extras
- Cornel's World at the ERAS Show this weekend
- Chameleon Setup
- Needed: 75 gal or larger aquarium.
- High Quality Acrylic Tarantula Enclosures
- PVC Cages for Sale
- Large Custom Built Enclosure
- Now delivering as far as Olds!
- 90 g. terrarium
- Couple of tanks FS
- 'Show' Caging FS
- Herpstats Thermostats on Sale until July 4th 2010
- terrariums and a rack
- 1588 Pre-Set Hova-Bator
- PVC Cages for Sale
- Garage Sale
- High Quality Acrylic Tarantula Enclosures - New Models / New Lower Prices!
- FREE - Tortoise table
- Cage - Free
- Free Stuff
- Lights for sale
- Fs: Fish Tank!
- Reptile lamps
- Glass enclosures
- reptile hides and more
- Some Free Caging
- Terrarium/Aquarium FS. $200 OBO
- Zoo Med reptibator
- 4 12x12x12 Extro-Terra tanks 1-12x12x18 Extro-Terra tank. No supplies with them. $30.
- Entire fish starter set w/ everything included
- Zoomed 18X18x18 terrarium with Everything
- Terrarium for sale
- Temp Gun Blowout Pro Exotics and Powerfist
- Heat Tape And Radiant Heat Panels For Sale
- ABS Reptile Hides for Sale
- Thermostats for Sale
- PVC Cages and Racks for Sale
- Incubator Wanted
- Flextray for 260g (horizontal) flexarium
- 100g tank with stand
- Greg West PVC cage for sale
- Small size reptile hides-Special Show Season pricing
- Some of the product line now offered by Celtic Serpents...
- Huge terrarium for sale - $2200
- Heat packs now available for shipping and transporting!!
- FS/FT: Tank and Stand!
- large flexarium
- Brand new Temp Gun Line for sale
- Exoterra 18X18X18 - front opening doors Sold!!
- for sale...tanks/terrariums
- 3 Brand New Tarantula acrilyic cages for sale.
- We Have Too Many Tanks!!!!!
- ~Arboreal locking black PVC enclosures~Eric Chin~
- few things for sale.
- Glass Tank for sale
- Fusion Acrylic Cells
- Ultratherms - Cheapest North American Prices Guaranteed
- Fusion 400 Tubs 20% OFF
- Fusion Steel Reptile Racks - Check Out the 450 Video
- Exo terra Tank and etc..
- For sale
- Chlorhexidine Gluconate 2%
- Temp guns reduced for holiday season!!
- Fusion Acrylic Cells - 25% OFF Christmas Promotion
- Moving Sale the end of this up coming week
- Pre-Christmas sale on all Celtic Serpents Inventory!! 10% off until Dec 15!!
- Herpstats Thermostats on Sale until December 17th 2010
- DR used tank and stuff sale!
- 6x2x2ft cage for sale
- fish equipment for sale
- 6 ft* 18 inches *20 tall *NOT WATERPROOF*
- 4 ft long, 28 inches tall, 18 inches wide- 105 gallon tank for reptiles! HAS TO GO
- [FS]: Great Prices for Tanks/Feeder Cultures/Red Wigglers/Tarantulas
- Brand New 4' X 2' X 2' Glass Terrarium
- Heat Tape And Radiant Heat Panels For Sale
- PVC Racks and Caging For Sale
- Herpstat and Johnson thermostats for sale
- Hides and Temp Guns for Sale
- Large reptile/amphibian enclosure
- LArge Reptile Tank with Lid for sale
- xl uth zoo med
- Large glass cage for sale (4x3x2)
- a few tanks for sale
- Two Exo Terras
- filters
- various tanks
- Flexarium 6 ft*3ft*3ft HAS TO GO!- Calgary* CHEAP*
- 6 ft* 18 inches *20 tall * Reptile tank only! **CHEAP** Calgary, AB
- Melamine racks and sliding glass door display case enclosure for sale!
- ~Professional Breeder quality weigh scales and Reptile heat packs
- ~Gator brand Feeding Tongs & Tweezers~Pinky Pumps also available!
- ~Black polypropylene Reptile Hide Boxes-3 Sizes! ON SALE TILL MAR 1!
- ~Hooks, hooks and more hooks!~
- Hanging Lipstick plant
- Buying Reptile Enclosure!
- for petetheballpython
- Zoo Med Enclosure
- 4x2x1 PVC enclosure
- Large Aquarium 200L for sale
- 4 is Still Too Many!!!
- looking for a 33-40gal
- also looking for setups for snakes
- Melamine Display cages
- New Thermostat on the Market - Vivarium Electronics - VE300 Night Drop
- Lots of tanks and extra
- Fusion Acrylic Tarantula Cells - 25% Off Stock Clearance
- Fusion 400 Boa Tubs 20% OFF
- Supplies for sale!
- Extra large terrarium set for sale
- Business Opportunity: Fusion Racks
- PVC Cages
- Technical Book - The Reproductive Husbandry of Pythons and Boas
- Cornel's World New and Improved Misting Systems
- Just a few new items for this season from Gator brand products and Celtic Serpents!!
- 4*2*2 White Melamine Tank (NE Calgary-Pickup ONLY)
- 6*2*2 White Melamine Tank
- Reptile Accessories
- 4*2*2 Melamine Tank NE Calgary -FREE NO HOLDS
- Exo-terra 45X45X60
- FS- 24x18x18 exoterra
- 135 gallon tank!!!!
- 2 tanks for sale
- Big Sale
- Snake Tubs
- Heat Tape and Mat
- 12x12x18 exo-terra's-3!
- Terrarium for sale $20
- Huge tank for sale.
- 36"-18"-24" Exo Terra Terrarium
- 55Gal Tamks 4 Sale
- Herpstats for Sale - New Herpstat 4 In stock now
- Vision Model 332 Cage
- Large Heated Snake Rack (Fits 7 Rubbermaids)
- 33 gal
- 10 gal reptile setup
- FREE Tank (20 gallon?) NE CALGARY
- Reptile Show Displays
- various tanks, etc
- Exo-Terra Box full of accessories.
- PVC cage
- Cornel Terrarium
- Faunarium W/ Giant Leaf Tails
- Fusion Acrylic Cells - 25% Off Stock Clearance
- ~CELTIC SERPENTS~some special prices and product for the WCRE!!~
- 50% OFF - Fusion Acrylic Cells
- Preorders for TARAS Fall Show - Cornel's World
- ~FOR SALE~NGM 100 Fusion Rack for breeder balls/small boas~10 bins & heat!~
- AC Reptiles Baby arboreal (gecko) rack
- reptile tanks and accesories BEST OFFER
- 2 tanks for sale
- Misting system and accessory clearout
- Temp Guns for sale
- 20 gallon long tank for sale
- 50% Off Fusion Acrylic Cells - Stock Clearance Updated List
- big tank for sale
- Vision Cage FS
- Iris Bins 15% off
- ~40 Hr Heat Packs now in Stock~Just in time for cold weather shipments!!~
- exo terra 24 x 18 x 24 sell or trade
- 36x 18x 15" Tank for Sale $50 OBO
- Heat Tape, Radiant Heat Panels, and Ceramic Heat Emitters for Sale
- 20 hr. heat packs:
- bunch of terrariums / tanks, couple of corn snakes
- ~BRAND NEW Display Product now in Stock!!~Crystal Clear deli cups etc.
- Order is placed-60 Copies of Herpers II Dvd on their way in time for Christmas!!
- Large Tall Reptile Tank
- Herp Nation Holiday Sale
- Tank, hides, waterdishes
- 36"x18"x25"
- 55 gallon tank! PICKUP NE CALGARY
- Tanks for sale
- 36"x18"x18" exo-terra tank
- Tank clear out
- ~NEW!!! Crystal Clear Deli Display Cups, Lids, SOLO cups...etc!!~
- 2 full tank setups for sale
- Terrarium, stand and screen cover
- FS: Reptile Incubation SIM Boxes!
- FS. Juvinile snake/gecko rack
- New to Nearly New exoterra/zilla cages
- Tanks
- Large enclosure for sale:
- ~GATOR brand hooks, tongs and hemostats!
- Wanted: Atasuki 48x18x24 terrarium.
- NewLife Sale!
- Glass for sale
- Herpstat Discontinued Model Clearance
- Large!!! Glass terriaum!!! Please read details!!
- ~HERPERS II dvds have arrived !!~
- Vision Group Buy
- Bean Farm Order
- D.I.Y. Glass Front Bar Fridge Incubator-ready to put together
- New Herpstat Line available now
- PVC Racks Direct from the manufacturer
- Iris Bins for Sale
- LTD QUANTITIES!! Will NOT last! Constrictors Unlimited Posters!!
- tank ++
- Rhacodactylus: The Complete Guide..
- 40 gal terrarium + Accessories $200 OBO
- Incubator Fans
- Incubators, and Incubator Parts for sale
- Rodent Rack:
- Mouse Breeding Racks:
- LIXIT 5oz water bottles:
- Giant reptile cage complete with all accessories
- Cork Bark Palooza!
- Large Enclosure:
- Great cage for Chameleons or other Arboreal species
- Tanks for Sale
- 16qt rack
- Large Glass Enclosure
- 2 tanks, 2 lamps, fake plants and vines, waterfall
- LTD QUANTITIES!! Will NOT last! Constrictors Unlimited Posters!!
- ~NEW!!! Crystal Clear Deli Display Cups, Lids, SOLO cups...etc!!~
- ~Used ARS 'knock off' tiered displays with carry case~
- Herstat Final Clearance
- 10' x 3' Reptile Cage Terrarium Enclosure With Stand $2500.00
- Terrarium w/ Accessories **Located in Trochu, AB**
- Reptile Display Cases
- Building a rack? Need tubs?? LOOK NO FURTHER!!
- TWO Exoterras for sale~PT 2600-12x12x12 & PT 2602=12x12x18
- For Trade 12x12x18 exoterra
- 40 Gallon Breeder Tank
- Aspen shavings
- FREE tank w/welded stand
- ~NGM Fusion 300 Hatchling rack, 65 bins w/herpstat etc!~
- 10' x 3' X 26" GLASS TERRARIUM WITH STAND $1950
- NewLife (New line of Enclosures!)
- Temperature Guns SPECIAL!!
- WCRE NewLife Enclosures Pre Sale!
- Arboreal snake/reptile enclosure for sale or trade
- Melamine Tank for sale!
- Large exoterra enclosure
- Freedom Breeder 30 CB70
- SPARE PVCX racks available-will be taking to Bonnyville if anyone is interested...
- New Product - Reptizorb Iris Bin Liners For Sale
- New Product - Wire Mesh Caging
- ExoTerra 18x18x18 for sale with Cabinet stand
- wondering how much?
- 35 gallon vivarium, 5 gallon tank, gravel, clay pellets
- Caging for sale
- Reptile Caves,Lamp, Auto Timers, Plant PICK UP ONLY
- CRE NewLife Enclosures PRE SALE!
- Tall Reptile/Chameleon Cage that rotates for sale