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View Full Version : General Turtle and Tortoise Forum

  1. This makes me want a tortoise (0 replies)
  2. Introducing Tortaclese! (1 replies)
  3. New to the forum, have a baby Indian Star (1 replies)
  4. Cactus pads in alberta? (9 replies)
  5. New to Turtles. (4 replies)
  6. New to turtles. (1 replies)
  7. Hermann's Tortoise diet? (7 replies)
  8. Tortoise found after 30 years? (10 replies)
  9. Hell advice (2 replies)
  10. hello I need help (3 replies)
  11. New turtle (0 replies)
  12. river turtle sponge bath? (0 replies)
  13. Indentification Help (4 replies)
  14. Vote for Turtle Hospital! (0 replies)
  15. How to cure tortoise infected by herpes virus? (2 replies)
  16. red eared slider, yellow bellied slider hybrid (4 replies)
  17. Baby box quit eating (6 replies)
  18. Cute Turtle Video (1 replies)
  19. Need to sell my turtles where can I post? (1 replies)
  20. Baby Tortoises! (11 replies)
  21. Tortoise substrate (7 replies)
  22. Another species gone (7 replies)
  23. Star Tortoise Babies: (3 replies)
  24. Kinixys Belliana Nogueyi (0 replies)
  25. Beth Wallbank email needed please (1 replies)
  26. New Torts! (3 replies)
  27. HELP Tiny sand colored bugs (4 replies)
  28. Need some advice here... (15 replies)
  29. This makes me PO (8 replies)
  30. what kind of turtle is this? (10 replies)
  31. Mazuri diet (1 replies)
  32. Needing advice (2 replies)
  33. Help!!!!!!!!! (19 replies)
  34. Cuora trifasciata - three lined box turtle (0 replies)
  35. What! (3 replies)
  36. New tortoise table (3 replies)
  37. Sulcatas in Alberta (0 replies)
  38. pyramiding in redfoot tortoise (17 replies)
  39. Turtle rescue (4 replies)
  40. Red Eared Slider (8 replies)
  41. Eastern painted turtle (4 replies)
  42. Yellow Bellied slider (8 replies)
  43. map turtle (1 replies)
  44. Vietnamese Leaf Turtle (0 replies)
  45. Torts in the yard (5 replies)
  46. sulcata breeds (47 replies)
  47. RES Turtles (5 replies)
  48. RES attack (2 replies)
  49. RIP Ralph (11 replies)
  50. Thinking about a tortoise as a pet... (0 replies)
  51. smellish begginer tortoises? (4 replies)
  52. musk turtles (8 replies)
  53. Flyriver turtle "pignose turtle" (12 replies)
  54. Thought this was INSANE (10 replies)
  55. Need help finding some turtles... please help (9 replies)
  56. i.d. help (8 replies)
  57. "Pyramiding" in tortoises (3 replies)
  58. Three toed box Turtles (5 replies)
  59. Sick RES (2 replies)
  60. escape artist (3 replies)
  61. temp and humidity (0 replies)
  62. Basking is COOL! (0 replies)
  63. Know of any good Tortoise Magazines? (6 replies)
  64. TUMS for TORTS!!! (8 replies)
  65. Planted enclosures? (5 replies)
  66. Tortoise Habitats (12 replies)
  67. Turtles not interested in eating (5 replies)
  68. Pancake Tortoise!!! (17 replies)
  69. New Tortoise Owner (12 replies)
  70. Interesting behaviour witnessed (6 replies)
  71. Cuora amboinensis Tank (1 replies)
  72. Flapjack Breakfast (Or dinner) (36 replies)
  73. somethings wrong (10 replies)
  74. Store or Breeder/Shows for RF tortoises (4 replies)
  75. Daily Lesson!!! (9 replies)
  76. Questions about three toed box turtles (30 replies)
  77. Red Foot Growth Chart (1 replies)
  78. Finally a warm day to put the Tortoises outside (2 replies)
  79. Basking light (4 replies)
  80. New caregiver to 2 RES- any info is helpful!:) (14 replies)
  81. Anyone selling Baby Tortoises at Spring Show/Sale? (7 replies)
  82. Red footed tortoise (42 replies)
  83. Tort seller from NB (0 replies)
  84. Hello (0 replies)
  85. amazeingly exited (12 replies)
  86. greek tortoises (4 replies)
  87. Cactus Pads: (0 replies)
  88. Oink. (10 replies)
  89. My New aquisitions of '2010 Eastern Box Turtles (4 replies)
  90. Sulcata Tortoise (6 replies)
  91. Turtle Care Needed!! (1 replies)
  92. Nifty little fact! (0 replies)
  93. Merry X-mas Amanda! (16 replies)
  94. Tortoies Species (2 replies)
  95. Longevity of torts.... (4 replies)
  96. Replacement of Extinct Tortise Species with Exotics (6 replies)
  97. Good day for turtle lovers! (3 replies)
  98. box turtle breeder (0 replies)
  99. Why is she loosing so much weight and barely eating??? (13 replies)
  100. Food for tortoises: (5 replies)
  101. The Herd. (0 replies)
  102. adequate lighting, cape at cleaners (4 replies)
  103. Sick tortoise (18 replies)
  104. Sealant to withstand forest soil (0 replies)
  105. Looking for Russian Tortoise! (4 replies)
  106. RES free to go home in Calgary. (15 replies)
  107. Breeder yellow pages. (6 replies)
  108. RES Stopped Eating?? (11 replies)
  109. Map Turtles (2 replies)
  110. Turtle Found (43 replies)
  111. Tortoise pictures: (3 replies)
  112. Which is the Best Tortiose for a Beginner? (39 replies)
  113. Black Wood Turtle (6 replies)
  114. Fertile Moon? (8 replies)
  115. Looking for someone to watch my turtles... (3 replies)
  116. Quick Question. (6 replies)
  117. Strawberry spray available in Alberta? (2 replies)
  118. Missi Map turtle tank (13 replies)
  119. Box turtles (25 replies)
  120. Hi I am new and just got a turtle for a pet (22 replies)
  121. Sulcata questions (4 replies)
  122. Sulcata Tortoise House (4 replies)
  123. Turtle/Tortoise restrictions in Alberta (7 replies)
  124. Russian to the incubator!! (37 replies)
  125. Ello fellow turtle/tortoise lovers! (11 replies)
  126. Wanted: Female Russian Tortoise (0 replies)
  127. They skipped the movie (video) (13 replies)
  128. They skipped the movie (11 replies)
  129. My New Red Foot "Anna" (0 replies)
  130. Snappers and Tapeworms (5 replies)
  131. Some people's children..... (9 replies)
  132. Red foot help!! (4 replies)
  133. Disturbing ad of the day (12 replies)
  134. The world's oldest living creature? (4 replies)
  135. Western Painted pics (2 replies)
  136. Our Russians (6 replies)
  137. question about boxies (2 replies)
  138. Laws for red eared sliders (2 replies)
  139. Tortoise help!!! (1 replies)
  140. pregnant turtle fossil (3 replies)
  141. Moving a red eared slider from saskatchewan to alberta (1 replies)
  142. reversing pyramiding? (14 replies)
  143. Importing a turtle (52 replies)
  144. Tortoises outside for the summer (1 replies)
  145. meet Kali (3 replies)
  146. Surprize... (12 replies)
  147. Introductions (4 replies)
  148. Some turtles available (3 replies)
  149. Looking for Box Turtle Breeder! (0 replies)
  150. Price of Box Turtle? (5 replies)
  151. My marginated ripped himself a new.... (9 replies)
  152. looking for a 4 to 6 month eastern boxie in Calgary (1 replies)
  153. Turtle (6 replies)
  154. Turtle (3 replies)
  155. Looking for Tortoise (Calgary) (4 replies)
  156. Hermann (0 replies)
  157. link to the health law that makes slider illegal? (11 replies)
  158. Turtles and Tortoises (2 replies)
  159. Anyone Know Decent Tortoise Vet In Edm? (2 replies)
  160. Good Herp Vet for Turtles in Calgary? (2 replies)
  161. Pancake Torts (0 replies)
  162. Seeking baby red foot tortoise (0 replies)
  163. Red Tide May Threaten Turtles (0 replies)
  164. Gopher tortoises slaughtered (0 replies)
  165. Alberta turtle/tortoise laws (81 replies)