- This makes me want a tortoise (0 replies)
- Introducing Tortaclese! (1 replies)
- New to the forum, have a baby Indian Star (1 replies)
- Cactus pads in alberta? (9 replies)
- New to Turtles. (4 replies)
- New to turtles. (1 replies)
- Hermann's Tortoise diet? (7 replies)
- Tortoise found after 30 years? (10 replies)
- Hell advice (2 replies)
- hello I need help (3 replies)
- New turtle (0 replies)
- river turtle sponge bath? (0 replies)
- Indentification Help (4 replies)
- Vote for Turtle Hospital! (0 replies)
- How to cure tortoise infected by herpes virus? (2 replies)
- red eared slider, yellow bellied slider hybrid (4 replies)
- Baby box quit eating (6 replies)
- Cute Turtle Video (1 replies)
- Need to sell my turtles where can I post? (1 replies)
- Baby Tortoises! (11 replies)
- Tortoise substrate (7 replies)
- Another species gone (7 replies)
- Star Tortoise Babies: (3 replies)
- Kinixys Belliana Nogueyi (0 replies)
- Beth Wallbank email needed please (1 replies)
- New Torts! (3 replies)
- HELP Tiny sand colored bugs (4 replies)
- Need some advice here... (15 replies)
- This makes me PO (8 replies)
- what kind of turtle is this? (10 replies)
- Mazuri diet (1 replies)
- Needing advice (2 replies)
- Help!!!!!!!!! (19 replies)
- Cuora trifasciata - three lined box turtle (0 replies)
- What! (3 replies)
- New tortoise table (3 replies)
- Sulcatas in Alberta (0 replies)
- pyramiding in redfoot tortoise (17 replies)
- Turtle rescue (4 replies)
- Red Eared Slider (8 replies)
- Eastern painted turtle (4 replies)
- Yellow Bellied slider (8 replies)
- map turtle (1 replies)
- Vietnamese Leaf Turtle (0 replies)
- Torts in the yard (5 replies)
- sulcata breeds (47 replies)
- RES Turtles (5 replies)
- RES attack (2 replies)
- RIP Ralph (11 replies)
- Thinking about a tortoise as a pet... (0 replies)
- smellish begginer tortoises? (4 replies)
- musk turtles (8 replies)
- Flyriver turtle "pignose turtle" (12 replies)
- Thought this was INSANE (10 replies)
- Need help finding some turtles... please help (9 replies)
- i.d. help (8 replies)
- "Pyramiding" in tortoises (3 replies)
- Three toed box Turtles (5 replies)
- Sick RES (2 replies)
- escape artist (3 replies)
- temp and humidity (0 replies)
- Basking is COOL! (0 replies)
- Know of any good Tortoise Magazines? (6 replies)
- TUMS for TORTS!!! (8 replies)
- Planted enclosures? (5 replies)
- Tortoise Habitats (12 replies)
- Turtles not interested in eating (5 replies)
- Pancake Tortoise!!! (17 replies)
- New Tortoise Owner (12 replies)
- Interesting behaviour witnessed (6 replies)
- Cuora amboinensis Tank (1 replies)
- Flapjack Breakfast (Or dinner) (36 replies)
- somethings wrong (10 replies)
- Store or Breeder/Shows for RF tortoises (4 replies)
- Daily Lesson!!! (9 replies)
- Questions about three toed box turtles (30 replies)
- Red Foot Growth Chart (1 replies)
- Finally a warm day to put the Tortoises outside (2 replies)
- Basking light (4 replies)
- New caregiver to 2 RES- any info is helpful!:) (14 replies)
- Anyone selling Baby Tortoises at Spring Show/Sale? (7 replies)
- Red footed tortoise (42 replies)
- Tort seller from NB (0 replies)
- Hello (0 replies)
- amazeingly exited (12 replies)
- greek tortoises (4 replies)
- Cactus Pads: (0 replies)
- Oink. (10 replies)
- My New aquisitions of '2010 Eastern Box Turtles (4 replies)
- Sulcata Tortoise (6 replies)
- Turtle Care Needed!! (1 replies)
- Nifty little fact! (0 replies)
- Merry X-mas Amanda! (16 replies)
- Tortoies Species (2 replies)
- Longevity of torts.... (4 replies)
- Replacement of Extinct Tortise Species with Exotics (6 replies)
- Good day for turtle lovers! (3 replies)
- box turtle breeder (0 replies)
- Why is she loosing so much weight and barely eating??? (13 replies)
- Food for tortoises: (5 replies)
- The Herd. (0 replies)
- adequate lighting, cape at cleaners (4 replies)
- Sick tortoise (18 replies)
- Sealant to withstand forest soil (0 replies)
- Looking for Russian Tortoise! (4 replies)
- RES free to go home in Calgary. (15 replies)
- Breeder yellow pages. (6 replies)
- RES Stopped Eating?? (11 replies)
- Map Turtles (2 replies)
- Turtle Found (43 replies)
- Tortoise pictures: (3 replies)
- Which is the Best Tortiose for a Beginner? (39 replies)
- Black Wood Turtle (6 replies)
- Fertile Moon? (8 replies)
- Looking for someone to watch my turtles... (3 replies)
- Quick Question. (6 replies)
- Strawberry spray available in Alberta? (2 replies)
- Missi Map turtle tank (13 replies)
- Box turtles (25 replies)
- Hi I am new and just got a turtle for a pet (22 replies)
- Sulcata questions (4 replies)
- Sulcata Tortoise House (4 replies)
- Turtle/Tortoise restrictions in Alberta (7 replies)
- Russian to the incubator!! (37 replies)
- Ello fellow turtle/tortoise lovers! (11 replies)
- Wanted: Female Russian Tortoise (0 replies)
- They skipped the movie (video) (13 replies)
- They skipped the movie (11 replies)
- My New Red Foot "Anna" (0 replies)
- Snappers and Tapeworms (5 replies)
- Some people's children..... (9 replies)
- Red foot help!! (4 replies)
- Disturbing ad of the day (12 replies)
- The world's oldest living creature? (4 replies)
- Western Painted pics (2 replies)
- Our Russians (6 replies)
- question about boxies (2 replies)
- Laws for red eared sliders (2 replies)
- Tortoise help!!! (1 replies)
- pregnant turtle fossil (3 replies)
- Moving a red eared slider from saskatchewan to alberta (1 replies)
- reversing pyramiding? (14 replies)
- Importing a turtle (52 replies)
- Tortoises outside for the summer (1 replies)
- meet Kali (3 replies)
- Surprize... (12 replies)
- Introductions (4 replies)
- Some turtles available (3 replies)
- Looking for Box Turtle Breeder! (0 replies)
- Price of Box Turtle? (5 replies)
- My marginated ripped himself a new.... (9 replies)
- looking for a 4 to 6 month eastern boxie in Calgary (1 replies)
- Turtle (6 replies)
- Turtle (3 replies)
- Looking for Tortoise (Calgary) (4 replies)
- Hermann (0 replies)
- link to the health law that makes slider illegal? (11 replies)
- Turtles and Tortoises (2 replies)
- Anyone Know Decent Tortoise Vet In Edm? (2 replies)
- Good Herp Vet for Turtles in Calgary? (2 replies)
- Pancake Torts (0 replies)
- Seeking baby red foot tortoise (0 replies)
- Red Tide May Threaten Turtles (0 replies)
- Gopher tortoises slaughtered (0 replies)
- Alberta turtle/tortoise laws (81 replies)