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View Full Version : General Amphibian Forum

  1. Need feeder suggestions (7 replies)
  2. Ranitomeya benedicta eggs!!!! (7 replies)
  3. Looking for good red eye tree frog source (24 replies)
  4. My new frogs!!!! (12 replies)
  5. Monkey climbing (4 replies)
  6. I'm so excited (2 replies)
  7. fotosession :) (11 replies)
  8. White Lipped & Red Eyed Tree Frog's (11 replies)
  9. First frog (7 replies)
  10. dart frog order (6 replies)
  11. Cost for monkey? (8 replies)
  12. Great documentary (5 replies)
  13. Newt Paludarium Questions (2 replies)
  14. Advise please (54 replies)
  15. DIY Dart Frog Starter Kit - Assembly Instructions (8 replies)
  16. Third species of "removed" poison frog, Excidobates condor, described from Ecuador (0 replies)
  17. Hyalinobatrachium pellucidum availability? (2 replies)
  18. Salamanders (10 replies)
  19. Who had dart frogs at the Red Deer Shows previously? (0 replies)
  20. Tylototriton kweichowensis (7 replies)
  21. Tiger salamander trouble (6 replies)
  22. Pixie Frogs (5 replies)
  23. What dart frog species are bred in Alberta (5 replies)
  24. New species - New York leopard [pickerel] frog (0 replies)
  25. Jefferson Salamander (1 replies)
  26. The Adventures of the Salamander (2 replies)
  27. Mantellas (1 replies)
  28. My axolotl feeding :) (0 replies)
  29. Interesting Article on Madagascar Poison Frog (1 replies)
  30. Dart frog breeders (7 replies)
  31. Dart Frog Feeder Consumption (36 replies)
  32. Water Depth for dart frogs and mantellas (1 replies)
  33. New course in amphibian conservation at the Smithsonian (1 replies)
  34. Frog vs Ants!!! (2 replies)
  35. Further Revisions of Poison Frogs (0 replies)
  36. Newt home (3 replies)
  37. Vegas Valley leopard frogs alive and well! (4 replies)
  38. Fire Belly Newt Website (0 replies)
  39. Help identifying frog from Ecuador (7 replies)
  40. Do Tiger Salamanders make noise? (11 replies)
  41. i need some info on my frogs please (1 replies)
  42. Axolotls (9 replies)
  43. Tiger Salamander (1 replies)
  44. Help! Can anyone help me identify tree frog (3 replies)
  45. Any larger caecilians legal to own here? (6 replies)
  46. Canada/Dakota toad. (8 replies)
  47. Need Help with Bio question (12 replies)
  48. Tree Frog Viv (6 replies)
  49. im new to edmonton (7 replies)
  50. Fire belly toads (2 replies)
  51. 3 Tiger Salamanders as pets (18 replies)
  52. White tree frog sick! (13 replies)
  53. Pacman Jaba :)) (8 replies)
  54. New pet frog?? (15 replies)
  55. New Blue Tails (1 replies)
  56. Looking for Vietnamese Blue Tree Frog (0 replies)
  57. Fluffy :D (0 replies)
  58. pics are finally here! (0 replies)
  59. Frogs? (13 replies)
  60. Green Tree Frog has a red lump on his toe (0 replies)
  61. Which One. . . (8 replies)
  62. Available Salamanders (6 replies)
  63. help needed! (5 replies)
  64. Live Moss? (2 replies)
  65. Vivarium Help! (4 replies)
  66. Axo Love (2 replies)
  67. Axolotl larvae! (12 replies)
  68. Hi! My name is Axolotl! (12 replies)
  69. Tiger pics (19 replies)
  70. New finds in Colombia (0 replies)
  71. Tylototriton (Yaotriton) notialis, new species from Laos (6 replies)
  72. Tree Frogs (6 replies)
  73. colorado river toad (1 replies)
  74. Got 2 Green Tree Frogs! (13 replies)
  75. Want to get back into the Treefrog world (0 replies)
  76. pixie frog or pacman??? (20 replies)
  77. red eye tree frog (0 replies)
  78. Longest day of my life. (20 replies)
  79. Pacman? (18 replies)
  80. Couple of cool frog articles (0 replies)
  81. help to rehabilitate salamanders (2 replies)
  82. Salamander in the wild (14 replies)
  83. newt/salamander question (7 replies)
  84. care for newt!!!!! Help!! (10 replies)
  85. terrestrial Caecilians ever seen them in calgary ? (3 replies)
  86. Looking for breeders. (0 replies)
  87. Tadpole from california help! (15 replies)
  88. catching and selling? Q & A (26 replies)
  89. ????????? (6 replies)
  90. Caecilians (6 replies)
  91. Frog help?? Mixing species?? (13 replies)
  92. dart frogs and red eyed tree frogs (10 replies)
  93. Translucent Pacman (30 replies)
  94. looking... (0 replies)
  95. confused (3 replies)
  96. Tiger? (14 replies)
  97. Regarding Eco Earth (4 replies)
  98. Pac attack (21 replies)
  99. colorfull sals (0 replies)
  100. Pacman Morphs (10 replies)
  101. Vietanemese Blue Tree Frog Bumps? (20 replies)
  102. Horned frog aestivating? (1 replies)
  103. phylobates terribilis (1 replies)
  104. Another step in battling cane toads (9 replies)
  105. breeding dart frogs (11 replies)
  106. Rubber Eels (1 replies)
  107. Fire Belly Newt missing large part of nose/snout (4 replies)
  108. Red - Eyed Tree Frog season has just begun..... (2 replies)
  109. Screaming frog? (4 replies)
  110. glass frog? (1 replies)
  111. Milk Frogs (0 replies)
  112. glass frogs? (1 replies)
  113. Combining frogs (2 replies)
  114. dying reed frogs, never buy plastic water features. (7 replies)
  115. African Clawed Frogs (13 replies)
  116. Local dart frog breeder? (10 replies)
  117. 4 frogs one tank (17 replies)
  118. Bloated Frog (1 replies)
  119. Pacman frogs as pets (41 replies)
  120. New additions (16 replies)
  121. Can you identify this PDF? (16 replies)
  122. poison dart frogs (8 replies)
  123. European Firebelly toad - Albino style (15 replies)
  124. prarie toad (11 replies)
  125. Visitors while camping (2 replies)
  126. Hey Tiger. (13 replies)
  127. tiger salamanders (2 replies)
  128. So i Went Searching For Tigers (5 replies)
  129. tiger salamander (8 replies)
  130. My Whites Tree Frog (2 replies)
  131. Toad type? (10 replies)
  132. First one is a big one... (26 replies)
  133. What to feed Fire Bellied Newt? (11 replies)
  134. Liangshan crocodile salamanders (11 replies)
  135. inside info (6 replies)
  136. Does Anybody Know Who was Selling The Sunshine Toad at TARAS SHOW? (9 replies)
  137. FrogO (or frog people)? Do you know of a good 'frog' or general (2 replies)
  138. Some Japanese salamanders (3 replies)
  139. In Need of a Little Advice Tiger Salamander (31 replies)
  140. Sa Pa mossy frogs, Iranian newts (11 replies)
  141. Terrestrial frog breeding tip (1 replies)
  142. Butterfly question (5 replies)
  143. Save the Frogs Day..... (4 replies)
  144. Red Eyed Help (1 replies)
  145. Looking for local dart frog breeder (4 replies)
  146. Chytrid in Southern Alberta. (6 replies)
  147. Uh oh... (food related) (4 replies)
  148. Tiger salamanders (1 replies)
  149. more new frogs found (2 replies)
  150. new frogs and amphibians found in Columbia (1 replies)
  151. what do I need for a pac man frog?how much work? (3 replies)
  152. Meet Bentti :D (picture heavy) (3 replies)
  153. Pacman wont eat (4 replies)
  154. frog I found (6 replies)
  155. Toxic Plants to Frogs (0 replies)
  156. Questions about Whites Frogs! :D (2 replies)
  157. Help help help! (5 replies)
  158. Axolotls (37 replies)
  159. Information for Frogs Too (0 replies)
  160. Amazon Milky Tree Frogs? (1 replies)
  161. Warning Graphic Frog pics (11 replies)
  162. Fruit Flies, 1/8" Crickets - Calgary (14 replies)
  163. Mantella Milotympanum (17 replies)
  164. mantella tank setup (1 replies)
  165. understory order for dart frogs (2 replies)
  166. just a couple of pics (4 replies)
  167. Happy Day! (5 replies)
  168. Fornasini's Spiny Reed Frog (0 replies)
  169. Question for FrogO_OEyes (3 replies)
  170. Frogs in the wild (3 replies)
  171. Humidity Issues (32 replies)
  172. What is this??? (21 replies)
  173. Looking for a new pet (5 replies)
  174. Frog without lungs excites scientists (1 replies)
  175. Additions to the menagerie (4 replies)
  176. Common Amphibians of Tanzania (5 replies)
  177. retf (3 replies)
  178. dart frog tankmates? (2 replies)
  179. VIV Question (3 replies)
  180. Reference sources - Amphibians (4 replies)
  181. Egyptian Toads (1 replies)
  182. Waxy frog (Phyllomedusa sauvagii) (5 replies)
  183. Zoo Hopes For The Best With Mucus-Covered Salamanders (0 replies)
  184. Global Warming Fuels Fungal Toad-Killer (0 replies)
  185. Mantella feeding (5 replies)