- Can't keep us down!
- Egg site
- GMT -7Hrs?
- Fall Show TARAS
- Sandblasted Grape Vines
- Pet Sitting
- Immmmm Backkkkk
- Thumbs Up for J&J Reptiles
- Monday meeting
- Attn TARAS members your chance to contribute to the Bulletin
- Just Wonderin'
- Zoo Med(Wipe out 2)
- TARAS Future Meeting Location Change
- Calgary vets???
- Red Deer Reptile Show?
- How do you Join to post sell exct
- Greg West=Old Fart
- ERAS Forum???
- TARAS Fall Show needs volunteers
- Just read this on my msn home page
- A hilarious letter from the Calgary Sun
- Hotels close to SAIT for TARAS fall Show
- Hacked by dreadlord??
- RIP Steve Irwin - Croc Hunter
- Eras show
- Box Turtle missing in Calgary
- Calgary Aquarium Society Giant Public Fall Auction
- Edmonton Show!
- Tickets for Texas Chainsaw Massacre Prescreening tonight
- Exposure concerns...
- how often do you check this site?
- Who is TARAS? Member picture thread
- Rememberance Day
- Who wants to be a Pal???
- RoseCityReptiles
- Welcome new members..
- Possible Taras Member drive Flyer by Mikey
- All done!
- TARAS response to animal abuse.
- TARAS Meeting November 27, 2006
- Where do you buy your rats?
- Meeting
- Bindi to join reptiles of the press
- The importance of a plan when building a reptile cage
- Tarantula, kids show.
- Fish and Game busts men for selling reptiles
- ReptileFest
- Canadian reptiles on the loose
- New Reptile forum Reptile World Order
- Meeting Dec 18th 2006 - time?
- Fresh Ink
- Seasons Greetings!
- Happy New Year
- My New Arrival
- Spring show in calgary?????
- Welcome new members.Hanney'sCorns.
- TARAS Shows for 2007
- Once again I need help...
- TARAS AGM Reminder.
- BC animal ban?
- Hey everone
- Photo request for Greg West.Questions
- Holy Moly What the problem is?
- Where to find.....?
- Alberta Breeder list
- Hovabator's?
- Tolerance...
- UofA herpetology Symposium
- Why can't I post in the classifieds?
- I hope TARAS doesn't mind...
- Milksnake in S.P.C.A
- Vendors list
- Legality of Roaches
- bylaws?
- Praying Mantis breeders?
- Herp Vet in Calgary??
- Mark "Gonesnakee" -Happy Birthday
- show in red deer?
- Traffic
- DaremoAlpha is catching up....fast!
- CBC News at the show
- Flesh eating lizard
- Concern about responsibility at the Reptile Show.
- Monthly TARAS meeting
- Dwarf Crocodiles? What the???
- Tegu walking made easy
- Westman Reptile Gardens
- Free Tables @ Fall Taras Show
- Help pick the new banner ad
- Lateralis or Dubia Sample
- haha totally forgot i regisered over here
- Banners at the top left of the page.
- Happy Birthday Jim(J&J Reptiles)
- Question about my Veiled Chameleon
- I need help.
- small fly problem
- Check us out hehehe
- Pet store delimas
- Increased table fees for TARAS Fall show 2007
- Request for Mark aka Gonesnakee
- We're in the new Reptiles Mag
- Friday the 13th Tatty
- Congratulations to Tony Platt!!!
- Issues with moving with a toad/WTF's HELP!
- TarsandSerpents meets Harry Potter
- This forum is rocking.
- Inbreeding
- reptigel?
- Just noticed a stunning fact
- New to Alberta
- Hot down here!!
- Happy B-Day Greg
- Bites!
- Reptile prices dropping.
- Red Deer Show pics
- Fall show vendors list
- Shipping snakes with AC.
- New to the forum
- Board Meetings...
- My Beardies
- New To The Forum
- Banned Arthropods
- Eras Forum
- Great Video
- Meeting Monday Sept 17
- Help setup for the TARAS show friday!!!
- The obligatory "What did you bring home from the show" thread
- Great Show
- Cia Video
- Monthly meetings
- Ride to October meeting??
- Help Guys And Gals..boa Bit The Wife!!
- Help Guys Ang Gals...boa Bit The Wife!!
- Graphic design programs-Any suggestions
- TARAS 'Show and Tell' update.
- Drumheller trip!!
- Posters/Video for Spring 08 show&sale
- Need to mate my girl chameleon
- Interesting Things for Thought.....
- Anyone else not able to access Reptiles Canada?
- Alberta rat laws.
- Got it working!! (possible site issues??)
- Shipping question/well pick up question really.
- Happy Birthday
- Why cant I......
- Revised T.A.R.A.S. Show & Ettiquette Rules.
- snake thieves
- Show and tell becomes a reality!!
- Membership to T.A.R.A.S?
- Anyomre making a trip from Calgary to...
- Some Pics
- Scolopendra sapiens??
- Winter shipping questions
- Beckham and his snake
- Thank you Jim! Re: Show & Tell
- Pine snakes legal?
- Merry Christmas from Alberta Bred Geckos!
- help
- Thamnophis
- exotic animal ban in bc.
- January meeting
- Good threads
- Taras/ Eras
- Sick question
- Sign the petition
- Reptiles Canada
- help
- Looking for herp closeups
- When to draw the line?
- Breeders-Poll
- C.A.T.A.L. VIP's!
- Mailing Lists
- Does...
- Used Calgary banner feedback ?
- Keylime Tree's
- Feb Meeting
- Reptile Store in Lethbridge??
- Tour of Mack's Room
- What to get this year.
- anyone interested in pijac
- Yes it is true now i have to share the dog treats.
- background?
- TARAS by-laws, mission, etc.
- Odd & scary herp stuff
- February Meeting Demo, Thanks Mark!
- Siberian Husky Puppies
- i appologize for this rant but...
- Another petition online
- New to Forum
- Forum thing...
- Spring show picture
- Go do it!!!
- Web sites and 'Bulletins'.
- The race is on.....as TARAS fans hold their breath.
- Greyhound shipping?
- Meeting Tonight + Leos!!
- March Leopard Gecko Demo pics
- big trouble for lower mainland cities in BC.
- Request for demos
- Fight for Freedom
- Avi
- help with a reptile related school assignment.
- UA Herpetology Course
- Incubators
- Meeting dates ?
- heat source
- Origin of mammals? (reptile-related)
- Fish Creek Park - Garters
- Anyone coming my way?
- Moving away - need help with herps
- Happy Birthday Mads!
- Pet Expo this weekend
- Happy Birthday Mark
- Holy Batman!
- This is why you can't make friends with snake food.
- New Site Up And Running
- Prevent-a-mite
- Where did my post go?
- LF: Exo-Terra styrofoam terrarium background in Calgary
- Pet Expo
- Bill 29 the new law for BC.
- helppp
- Happy Birthday Darren
- Spring snow storm = Siberian funday.
- T.A.R.A.S. April 21,2008 Show&Tell Pictures
- Parasites?
- Hey Neighbours!!
- Air Canada Cargo - Calgary location
- Energy 101.5 Live on Location on Sunday 12-4
- Faces to the names!
- Great show
- what did you get at the show??
- Thank You!
- Think about this
- A few candid show shots.
- That store in ______ has issues!!!
- Spring show Pictures
- Happy Birthday Souggy
- Grand Cayman Blue Ig's murdered
- Beijing fast food
- RC thread in reguards to Calgary Humane Society
- Fear Is A Learned Behaver!!!
- Crazy Turn of Events
- Meeting Tomorrow
- WTF 300 Gallon Rubbermaid Stock tank????
- TARAS AGM and Show and Tell- another successful evening.
- Meeting Show&Tell Thread
- Camera Talk with Crazy Joe & Co.
- I have a little problem