View Full Version : General Discussion Forum

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  1. Can't keep us down!
  2. Egg site
  3. GMT -7Hrs?
  4. Fall Show TARAS
  5. Sandblasted Grape Vines
  6. Pet Sitting
  7. Immmmm Backkkkk
  8. Thumbs Up for J&J Reptiles
  9. Monday meeting
  10. Attn TARAS members your chance to contribute to the Bulletin
  11. Just Wonderin'
  12. Zoo Med(Wipe out 2)
  13. TARAS Future Meeting Location Change
  14. Calgary vets???
  15. Red Deer Reptile Show?
  16. How do you Join to post sell exct
  17. Greg West=Old Fart
  18. ERAS Forum???
  19. TARAS Fall Show needs volunteers
  20. Just read this on my msn home page
  21. A hilarious letter from the Calgary Sun
  22. Hotels close to SAIT for TARAS fall Show
  23. Hacked by dreadlord??
  24. RIP Steve Irwin - Croc Hunter
  25. Eras show
  26. Box Turtle missing in Calgary
  28. Calgary Aquarium Society Giant Public Fall Auction
  29. Edmonton Show!
  30. Tickets for Texas Chainsaw Massacre Prescreening tonight
  31. Exposure concerns...
  32. how often do you check this site?
  33. Who is TARAS? Member picture thread
  34. Rememberance Day
  35. Who wants to be a Pal???
  36. RoseCityReptiles
  37. Welcome new members..
  38. Possible Taras Member drive Flyer by Mikey
  39. All done!
  40. TARAS response to animal abuse.
  41. TARAS Meeting November 27, 2006
  42. Where do you buy your rats?
  43. Meeting
  44. Bindi to join reptiles of the press
  45. The importance of a plan when building a reptile cage
  46. Tarantula, kids show.
  47. Fish and Game busts men for selling reptiles
  48. ReptileFest
  49. Canadian reptiles on the loose
  50. New Reptile forum Reptile World Order
  51. Meeting Dec 18th 2006 - time?
  52. Fresh Ink
  53. Seasons Greetings!
  54. Happy New Year
  55. My New Arrival
  56. Spring show in calgary?????
  57. Welcome new members.Hanney'sCorns.
  58. TARAS Shows for 2007
  59. Once again I need help...
  60. TARAS AGM Reminder.
  61. BC animal ban?
  62. Hey everone
  63. Photo request for Greg West.Questions
  64. Holy Moly What the problem is?
  65. Where to find.....?
  66. Alberta Breeder list
  67. Hovabator's?
  68. Tolerance...
  69. UofA herpetology Symposium
  70. Why can't I post in the classifieds?
  71. I hope TARAS doesn't mind...
  72. Milksnake in S.P.C.A
  73. Vendors list
  74. Legality of Roaches
  75. bylaws?
  76. Praying Mantis breeders?
  77. Herp Vet in Calgary??
  78. Mark "Gonesnakee" -Happy Birthday
  79. show in red deer?
  80. Traffic
  81. DaremoAlpha is catching up....fast!
  82. CBC News at the show
  83. Flesh eating lizard
  84. Concern about responsibility at the Reptile Show.
  85. Monthly TARAS meeting
  86. Dwarf Crocodiles? What the???
  87. Tegu walking made easy
  88. Westman Reptile Gardens
  89. Free Tables @ Fall Taras Show
  90. Help pick the new banner ad
  91. Lateralis or Dubia Sample
  92. haha totally forgot i regisered over here
  93. Banners at the top left of the page.
  94. Happy Birthday Jim(J&J Reptiles)
  95. Question about my Veiled Chameleon
  96. I need help.
  97. small fly problem
  98. Check us out hehehe
  99. Pet store delimas
  100. Increased table fees for TARAS Fall show 2007
  101. Request for Mark aka Gonesnakee
  102. We're in the new Reptiles Mag
  103. Friday the 13th Tatty
  104. Congratulations to Tony Platt!!!
  105. Issues with moving with a toad/WTF's HELP!
  106. TarsandSerpents meets Harry Potter
  107. This forum is rocking.
  108. Inbreeding
  109. reptigel?
  110. Just noticed a stunning fact
  111. New to Alberta
  112. Hot down here!!
  113. Happy B-Day Greg
  114. Bites!
  115. Reptile prices dropping.
  116. Red Deer Show pics
  117. Fall show vendors list
  118. Shipping snakes with AC.
  119. New to the forum
  120. Board Meetings...
  121. My Beardies
  122. New To The Forum
  123. Banned Arthropods
  124. Eras Forum
  125. Great Video
  126. Meeting Monday Sept 17
  127. Help setup for the TARAS show friday!!!
  128. The obligatory "What did you bring home from the show" thread
  129. Great Show
  130. Cia Video
  131. Monthly meetings
  132. Ride to October meeting??
  133. Help Guys And Gals..boa Bit The Wife!!
  134. Help Guys Ang Gals...boa Bit The Wife!!
  135. Graphic design programs-Any suggestions
  136. TARAS 'Show and Tell' update.
  137. Drumheller trip!!
  138. Posters/Video for Spring 08 show&sale
  139. Need to mate my girl chameleon
  140. Interesting Things for Thought.....
  141. Anyone else not able to access Reptiles Canada?
  142. Alberta rat laws.
  143. Got it working!! (possible site issues??)
  144. Shipping question/well pick up question really.
  145. Happy Birthday
  146. Why cant I......
  147. Revised T.A.R.A.S. Show & Ettiquette Rules.
  148. snake thieves
  149. Show and tell becomes a reality!!
  150. Membership to T.A.R.A.S?
  151. Anyomre making a trip from Calgary to...
  152. Some Pics
  153. Scolopendra sapiens??
  154. Winter shipping questions
  155. Beckham and his snake
  156. Thank you Jim! Re: Show & Tell
  157. Pine snakes legal?
  158. Merry Christmas from Alberta Bred Geckos!
  159. help
  160. Thamnophis
  161. exotic animal ban in bc.
  162. January meeting
  163. Good threads
  164. Taras/ Eras
  165. Sick question
  166. Sign the petition
  167. Reptiles Canada
  168. help
  169. Looking for herp closeups
  170. When to draw the line?
  171. Breeders-Poll
  172. C.A.T.A.L. VIP's!
  173. Mailing Lists
  174. Does...
  175. Used Calgary banner feedback ?
  176. Keylime Tree's
  177. Feb Meeting
  178. Reptile Store in Lethbridge??
  179. Tour of Mack's Room
  180. What to get this year.
  181. anyone interested in pijac
  182. Yes it is true now i have to share the dog treats.
  183. background?
  184. TARAS by-laws, mission, etc.
  185. Odd & scary herp stuff
  186. February Meeting Demo, Thanks Mark!
  187. Siberian Husky Puppies
  188. i appologize for this rant but...
  189. Another petition online
  190. New to Forum
  191. Forum thing...
  192. Spring show picture
  193. Go do it!!!
  194. Web sites and 'Bulletins'.
  195. The race is on.....as TARAS fans hold their breath.
  196. Greyhound shipping?
  197. Meeting Tonight + Leos!!
  198. March Leopard Gecko Demo pics
  199. big trouble for lower mainland cities in BC.
  200. Request for demos
  201. Fight for Freedom
  202. Avi
  203. help with a reptile related school assignment.
  204. UA Herpetology Course
  205. Incubators
  206. Meeting dates ?
  207. heat source
  208. Origin of mammals? (reptile-related)
  209. Fish Creek Park - Garters
  210. Anyone coming my way?
  211. Moving away - need help with herps
  212. Happy Birthday Mads!
  213. Pet Expo this weekend
  214. Happy Birthday Mark
  215. Holy Batman!
  216. This is why you can't make friends with snake food.
  217. New Site Up And Running
  218. Prevent-a-mite
  219. Where did my post go?
  220. LF: Exo-Terra styrofoam terrarium background in Calgary
  221. Pet Expo
  222. Bill 29 the new law for BC.
  223. helppp
  224. Happy Birthday Darren
  225. Spring snow storm = Siberian funday.
  226. T.A.R.A.S. April 21,2008 Show&Tell Pictures
  227. Parasites?
  228. Hey Neighbours!!
  229. Air Canada Cargo - Calgary location
  230. Energy 101.5 Live on Location on Sunday 12-4
  231. Faces to the names!
  232. Great show
  233. what did you get at the show??
  234. Thank You!
  235. Think about this
  236. A few candid show shots.
  237. That store in ______ has issues!!!
  238. Spring show Pictures
  239. Happy Birthday Souggy
  240. Grand Cayman Blue Ig's murdered
  241. Beijing fast food
  242. RC thread in reguards to Calgary Humane Society
  243. Fear Is A Learned Behaver!!!
  244. Crazy Turn of Events
  245. Meeting Tomorrow
  246. WTF 300 Gallon Rubbermaid Stock tank????
  247. TARAS AGM and Show and Tell- another successful evening.
  248. Meeting Show&Tell Thread
  249. Camera Talk with Crazy Joe & Co.
  250. I have a little problem